
Today is a big day for me. One year ago, I kissed my babies goodbye at school, and went into surgery. I knew life would change, but I really didn't know what would happen.  It has been a big year, and I am sure glad it's over.  Read on for even more updates!

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A few weeks pre operation

 When my kids were sent home from school in March (for what would be the rest of 2020), my self care routine just disappeared. I went from t...
This school year is going to look different.  Whether you are all virtual, like we are, doing a public school, hybrid model, or home school,...
Ok, this back to school is weird, and I know it.  I don't need to buy any real outdoorsy, ladies who lunch, work/fancy stuff because we ...
With all of this safer at home stuff, my self care has suffered.  It is totally my own fault.  I think I was feeling down, and just stopped ...
My ten year old has started getting bumpy skin.  They aren't like traditional zits, but definitely some sort of inflammation. She felt ...
We bought a Peloton.  I am so excited, but there is so much I don't know.  I am going to share the package we bought, what everyone says...
About a year ago my last slow cooker died an unnatural death.  Somehow I managed to crack ANOTHER one.  I was over it, and sent out a may...
Many years ago, I was introduced to chicken rice.  It is not actually chicken, but a delicious one-pot dinner with rice and hamburger meat. ...
I haven't redecorated in a really long time.  Starting last fall, I finally bought a new rug for the living area.  Now, sitting in the...