
 Last spring, when I couldn't find a single virus cleaning product on the shelf, I went on a hunt to find something.  I stumbled upon the FDA list of approved virus killers, and lo and behold. A NON TOXIC version.  One that is safe for pacifiers, and literally everything else in the house.  And it kills Covid.  Color me flipping excited.  I ordered it immediately.  It has been a few months, and I'm here to give you my full review of Force of Nature  (so that you can get it before flu season starts and they get slammed).  There are some amazing discount codes this month, so stay tuned (and I have one below).

Force of Nature

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Hi everyone!  I'm back with Dr. Jennie, the one who has the PhD in play?  She and I thought we might give you some healthier Easter bas...
I am so super late in sharing this saga.  For those of you who have been following me, we had an unexpected move from Maryland to California...
It is the time of year where I only want soup, and I only want meals that are easy to make.  Virtual school is a killer-ya feel me?  Read on...
As of today, we are still living in the crappy hotel, but next week?  We will be in our house full time!  I can't be more excited.  Our ...
About a year ago, I started taking Seed.  It's a probiotic that is the best one on the market.  That's not just talk.  I had to take...
 Hi all!  If you have been following me for a bit you know that we just made a big move from Maryland to California.  Why?  The hubs job.  I...
 It's almost the most wonderful time of the year!  This year, because of our move, I have combined with 20 other bloggers for a holiday ...
 Strange times you guys!  The movers come on Wednesday, and we are preparing to move out of the only home our kids have ever known.  Frankly...
 If you have been following me for a while, you know that I had a prophylactic mastectomy two years ago.  While I was sharing some awesome s...