
I think I mentioned that I don't want to talk about my baby turning two.  It is just so crazy and she is still so much my baby that it just kills me.  The other two times I had a child turning two, I had a brand new baby, so it wasn't such a tearjerker!

One of the ways that I have been coping (ha) is by trying to focus on having as much fun as possible!  The first day of birthday fun was a playdate with my friend Kate and her two kiddos.  You may know Kate as the CEO of Dear Baby Products.  She is pretty awesome.  It helps that she has some really sweet kiddos!

We were generously given some toys by Bright Starts to help Belle enjoy her birthday playdate.  I'm not saying that there was day drinking involved for the moms, but hypothetically it would have been a fun idea!  I did try my hardest to make it pretty for the Mommy's.

Baby Belle was surprisingly able to share with her friends!  When I saw how interested she was in all of the toys, I was expecting a WWE style brawl, but it was very sweet.  Baby Ava was so darling.  She just smiled and played sweetly with all of the toys.

The other two were a bit more...toddler like.  They played well in between flinging themselves off of the furniture.  HA!  We Moms were pretty happy with all of the bright lights and new toys.  We were able to have a nice chat while the kiddos played by themselves!

After the bigger kiddos came home, they were slightly put out that they missed the fun!  After a tiny bit of doughnut bribery and getting some playtime with the new toys, all was well.  Thank you Bright Starts for hosting such a fun birthday playdate for Belle!


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