
There is a Spectrum of Green Lifestyles, Where do you Fall?

I was having coffee with a friend of mine the other day, and we were discussing the spectrum of green.  He was pretty confused, and I had to laugh.  You see, inside the green blogger/green community, we know that there is a spectrum. How do you know where you fit on the spectrum, and who are these green lifestyle bloggers? By reading beyond this point, you are agreeing to my updated privacy policy, found here, and my use of commission based links.

my youngest holding a kitten on a farm
My sweet girl enjoying the farm.

A few years, the New York Times had an article about shades of green .  While that article is out of date, it shed light on the subject of natural living. The real answer is there is a spectrum of green, and most of us are somewhere on the spectrum, though we may have areas where we are more or less green.  Let me break it down for you according to the definitions that I came up with after talking to some like-minded friends.

Light Green.

Light green is where everyone gets their feet wet in to healthier, and more eco-friendly lifestyles.  Light green people may choose to buy some things organic, have some reusable shopping bags, drive a car with eco-mode (but could be a Suburban), and try to buy better home products (at least for the kids).  I say a lot of this tongue-in-cheek, but all of us probably fit into light green in some way or another.  My blog posts fall into this range.  I recommend products that I use, those that would be widely available to the average consumer.

For example, I will give you information about menstrual cups, and better makeup.

Other light green bloggers I love:

1. Mama Instincts - Carolina writes a green mama blog about mindfulness, intuitive parenting, and green living tips.

2. The New Knew ( Formerly This Organic Girl) - talks primarily about clean beauty, and organic lifestyle.

Medium Green

Medium green is where folks pay a lot more attention to products that they buy than your typical consumer.  The medium green person probably is on a path to using almost no plastic in their home, has found ways to reduce their carbon footprint in various ways.  They may drive an eco-friendly car, or rideshare. Someone on the medium green area of the spectrum probably only eats organic food, and may belong to a CSA (or perhaps grow a portion of their own food).  You may never consider buying any personal care, or home products that isn’t EWG verified with very transparent ingredients.

Personally I am probably more in line with this part of the spectrum, though I drive a minivan, and we do have some plastic.  It sure would be nice if companies made more plastic free options!

Here is a list of natural living bloggers that I think fall into the Medium Green Category:

1. Wellness Mama
2. Mindful momma
3. Eco cult is cool because she is talking to women who live in the city, and care about sustainable living and sustainable fashion

Dark Green

Your Dark Green part of the green spectrum are those people who actively want to be self sustaining.  They may have a homestead, and produce most of their own food.  They probably have a way to be off the grid for energy, and are producing little waste.  Dark Green folks will not buy anything that is wrapped in plastic, and probably have their own glass jars (and other containers like the ones below which I have) for using in the grocery store. Conservation, and the environment is probably one of their primary focuses.

Here is a list of bloggers that fall into this dark green part of the spectrum:

1. Mamavation:   Leah, who writes this blog, is passionate about bringing eco wellness/greener lifestyle options to women.  She pays big insurance premiums, and for third party testing of a LOT of products.  I love her mission, and commitment to helping us all navigate what to buy that is safer for our families.
2. Eco Warrior Princess talks a lot about actionable things that you can do to make change.
3. Homesteading honey is just so fun to read about living off the grid!
Where do you fall into this spectrum?

My thoughts on the spectrum of green. 

These are just my opinions, and these bloggers may not see themselves this way at all!  And in my honest opinion it doesn’t matter where you fall.  You may have pieces in several areas like, you really don’t want to give up your big SUV, but you always bring reusable bags.  It really is personal, and not for anyone to judge.  The journey to leading a cleaner, healthier, more eco-friendly lifestyle is just that...a journey.  I began my journey when my mother was diagnosed with cancer, and that was 15 years ago.  It has taken me a long time to find swaps that I am comfortable with, and it seems like daily I am trying to improve what I can to keep our family healthy.

I hope that I have helped clarify some things about living a green/organic lifestyle.  My blog is meant to be helpful, and I am certainly willing to chat about healthier swaps for your family!  Because once you know better, you do better!  Where do you fall on this spectrum?

pinnable image about the spectrum of green living
pinnable image

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