
Hello all, I know I haven't been posting as much.  We are getting ready to head out of town, and I have so much to do.  If you have been following me on social media, you know that I have been pretty pathetic lately.  I fell about two weeks ago, and sprained my foot.  I also have some crazy sinus thing going on, which has kicked up my vertigo.  Combined with having the kids home, it just means that I have been on the crazy train.  Not much work is being done around here.  This post uses commission referral links, and by reading beyond this point, you are agreeing to their use, and to my updated privacy policy found here.
The Lion King, the "live" action version.  The truth?  A lot of you will really love it, but I didn't.  Don't get me wr...
I hate writing this post.  Like hate it, hate it.  Mostly because  I haven't done any formal training with her in almost a year, so thi...
There has been a lot of buzz (ha), online about Toy Story 4 being a money grab, and that it was an unnecessary addition to the franchise.  T...
Constipation is not a new subject for parents. Whether it’s from medication, or from a kid like mine who just won’t eat anything that looks ...
Ok guys, I am going to try and make Friday Favorites a thing.  Its a pretty easy way to answer one of my most asked questions, what are you ...
Maryland legalized the use of medical marijuana last year, just in time for my first surgery .  As I have had a terrible reaction to narcoti...
I have to go through my empties periodically and talk about the stuff that I love.  Some of my favorite things have changed, and some of my ...
From the girl with no scale, here is my month two Intermittent Fasting update...and it really isn't that exciting-sadly.  I am using int...
Actually, it has been about seven months at this point since I had my prophylactic mastectomy.  The last surgery was in January for the reco...