MommyCon is a convention for Moms. It's really that simple. I have compiled a list of my top ten favorite things about MommyCon, so that you will know why you should go!
1. All of the information. Anything you could ever hope to learn from feeding your baby, sleeping, sex after baby (!), and even baby gear!
2. The speakers. Last year at MommyCon DC, I happened to get a little starstruck by the BabyGuyNYC. Not only is he hilarious, but he is a treasure trove of information about baby gear. From breast pumps to strollers and car seats, he knows it all. Jennifer Labit, the founder and CEO of Cotton Babies talks about all things cloth diaper. I am not a cloth diaperer, but I learned a lot. Jessica from the Leaky Boob is AMAZING. She doesn't just talk about breastfeeding. She talks about life and love after baby, and you won't want to miss it.
3. The lack of judgement. So, you don't cloth diaper? You don't breastfeed? No one cares. No one will judge you, and you will be happy to know MommyCon has resources for everyone. They even have a formula expert to answer your questions.
4. Kids are welcome. Heck, kids are encouraged! Its really nice to have a place where not only can I learn something, but my kids are allowed to be kids. No one looks twice at a temper tantrum, or a sleeping baby. Its pretty great.
5. The baby gear. Have you been eyeing the next carseat, but you don't have any idea what to actually buy? No worries. They have CPST's and representatives from a lot of top companies to answer your questions. My favorite, Julie from Clek, recently helped me with traveling with my Clek Fllo, and it really made a huge difference.
6. The fun stuff. When you check out the exhibition area, prepare yourself for the awesomeness. Tons of local and national vendors have all kinds of neat stuff for you to check out. You will meet local doulas, and lactation consultants. You will also meet representatives from companies like Crane, who make the cutest humidifiers you have ever seen.
7. Camaraderie. I actually met some great mamas there last year, and I still keep in touch with them. It may only come around once a year, but it's really nice to hang out with a bunch of like minded moms.
8. VIP sessions. Yes, they cost more than the general admission ticket, but the extras are worth it. You will get a small (very small) session with the presenter. Last year, I did the Honest Toddler VIP session. She ended up not coming but Jamie Grayson (I totally fangirled), filled in for her. It was informative and fun. Please excuse the awkward picture of my cheesy smile.
9.Babywearing. It can be challenging to find a carrier or wrap that is right for you. I am lucky enough to have been to MommyCon and have been fit for my Beco, but most of you probably haven't had a chance to do that. MommyCon has a HUGE babywearing lounge with experts staffing it to help you find your perfect carrier. They have about every vendor that you can imagine, so you are SURE to find your perfect fit. Let me tell you, with the right carrier, babywearing is awesome.
10. Shop till you drop. With the MommyCon shop AND all of the vendors you can buy just about everything baby that you have ever wanted. I *might* have slightly blown the nest egg last year and I wear my MommyCon shirts all the time!
Have I convinced you yet? Good. Go to this link, and find your closest MommyCon. Please, for the love of Pete, use a discount code for a discount on your ticket. Just use STAINEDWITHSTYLE17 at checkout. The next up is MommyCon NYC. Here is the schedule of events...
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