

This month we celebrate the Dad(s) in our lives!  If you haven't already, be sure to check out my gift guide for ideas.  I'm also really excited to be teaming up with a Kim from Life is a Lullaby & Rebecca from Mainely Mamato spoil one lucky dad with a fantastic giveaway of favorites!!  Check it out!!

This great giveaway will include the following:

Boba 4G in the Vail print ($128 value)- this is a perfect gift for a Dad with a little one at home.  A gender neutral carrier that's comfortable, versatile, and easy to adjust; designed for little ones from 7-45lbs. 

3 Month (3 box) subscription to Bespoke Post (a $135 value) - a fun gift for the dad who has everything or the dad that likes trying new things.  I'm impressed, they've curated some really great items for these boxes.


588 Rotex 2.0 Wedge (56 degree, mid bounce, black satin color) from Cleveland Golf ($129.99 value)-For the golf enthusiast dad; he will be over the moon with this awesome new club!

Made in Maine Brown Leather Wallet from Rogue IndustriesWhat dad doesn't need a new wallet?  I'm biased and love things Maine Made, but these are a must see and a great gift for any dad.

Dad's Diaper Bag of choice from The Diaper Dude- value will vary as Dad can pick from any bag in their awesome collection.  A perfect gift for a new Dad to have his own bag for outings with his little one. 

$30 credit to Sunflower Freckles- Dad can look dapper with his choice of bow ties from this fabulous Maine based store.

4 Pack of Swaddle Blankets from Buttermilk Baby- Another great gift for a new dad, these blankets are fabulous.  Made from a cotton and Bamboo Rayon blend they are soft and gentle on sensitive skin.

Send Dad this way or enter for him (what an awesome surprise it would be)!  Just use the Rafflecopter form below to enter.  Giveaway ends Sunday, June 28th at 12am EST. You must be at least 18 years old and a resident of the US or Canada (excluding Quebec) to enter.  Good Luck!!! 

Happy Father's Day to all the awesome dads out there!  Thanks as always for stopping by!


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