
My Top Ten Posts of 2015

I decided to do things a little differently this year.  I have actually never gone back to see which posts were my most popular, its exciting to find out!

10.  Everyone wanted to know how we have saved money on our cell phones for YEARS.  If I didn't have a nerd hubby, I would have never heard about it!

9.  When R3 had his tonsils and adenoids removed at age 3, we had to survive on soft food for two weeks.  We did it, and I have some suggestions for you if you happen to be in the same boat.

8.  This one was a very sweet surprise to me.  We don't live anywhere near any of our family, and I miss having a mom so much.  Thank you for all of your kind words.

7.  One thing that has happened since I started writing, is our son was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.  If I can help one parent get help sooner, my work is done.  How I knew that something was wrong...

6.  Well I know that everyone loves a good GIVEAWAY!

5.  I am excited to say that I have been chosen as a MommyCon Blogger AGAIN this year!  It was such a fun experience to (stalk the BabyGuy) meet a lot of the faces behind the baby gear that I am obsessed with!

4.  Ok, Ok, I get it.  The giveaway thing again.  This one is particularly sweet because it was for the Daddy's and Fathers Day.  We wanted to make that day extra special for one very sweet Daddy.

3.  I am super psyched that you guys liked my Healthy Easter Basket Ideas.  I really hate giving my kids too much sugar, because they act cray.

2.  It took me a long time to write this particular post.  It was about how the diagnosis of Autism didn't change anything, but it changed everything.

1.  My top post of 2015 should have come as no surprise.  It was also one of my first posts of the year and it was about?  The easiest (and healthy) dinner you will ever make...MommyHack included.  BAM!

I think my favorite might be the same one that you guys liked!  It is still in heavy rotation in our house and I have also added an amazing kitchen tool.  Its called the Instant Pot.  After my crockpot cracked (again) I have finally seen the light!  WOWEE!

What was your fave?  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading, following and commenting!  I am working on an Ebook for 2016 all about baby gear!


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