
A Travel Friendly Car Seat!

Yes.  I admit, I am a baby gear aholic.  I probably need some sort of 12 step program and my hubs *may* have taken issue with the number of strollers I have.  THIS is something I want all of you to know about.

Its called an IMMI GO.  For those of you that travel like I do, lugging the full sized car seat isn't always the best idea.  Let's just say that you usually go to a resort and don't rent a car.  Or you head to a big city and you use taxis.  Bringing a car seat (or in my case 3) seems a little crazy.  There are options!!!

It's not super small.  You can't put it in your purse or anything like that but it is a LOT smaller! It only weighs 10 lbs and comes with a little carrying case that if fits right into.  Its also not cheap, it retails for $199.  At this point you are wondering why you would even bother.  There are people who travel a LOT!  This may be a great option.

I have no financial stake in this, nor do I get compensated for telling you about it.  If you decide that it is something that you would be interested in, you can buy it directly from them.

Another great travel friendly system is made by Orbit.  If you are an expecting parent, and you travel a lot, consider this.  The infant seat has a base, right?  Well that infant seat base snaps directly onto the stroller (that can also become a double).  The convertible car seat?  It also snaps onto that same stroller base.  Is your mind blown yet?  They also make these neat-o skateboard things for the bigger kids to hold onto.  Your mind may be blown by the price, but if you will use this stuff for your primary its pretty comparable.  If money were no object and I could have any stroller system that I wanted, I would be hard pressed not to buy it for the travel conveniance.  Just LOOK!

But who am I kidding.  I also want this 

and this.


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