
Actually, it has been about seven months at this point since I had my prophylactic mastectomy.  The last surgery was in January for the reconstruction, and I am feeling human again.  The recovery from my mastectomy was rough, but all of that is over, and I am here to tell you shit gets better.  If you read from this point, you are agreeing to my updated privacy policy and my use of commissioned links in the post.
For the last two years, I have traveled to a conference for weird internet-people just like me.  We laugh, we learn, we eat and drink too m...
Ok guys, I am sitting here on day 7 post op for my foobs, and doing great. I’m hesitant to even say that because this hasn’t been an easy j...
Yeah, yeah, I know it's a crazy title.  But both will be true!  I finally am at an end (hopefully) of this mastectomy journey.  I will f...
If you read my last post, you know that a month ago I had a prophylactic double mastectomy.  For those of you who don't know what that i...
I have been MIA for awhile, and I have a good reason...I had a double mastectomy.  Don't worry, I don't have cancer!  I did this as ...
Life can get pretty crazy, mom life... right?!  We can become so busy to the point where we get to the end of the week and realize 7 whole ...
I spent the weekend scouring the natural and organic products expo to bring you some of my FAVORITES.  There were a lot, so this is really h...
Clothes are expensive!  No kidding, and as much as I love some Target, I get really tired of buying clothes that don't last.  That or th...
Please excuse this departure from my norm, I really feel the need to put some of these feelings down.  All parents have wishes and hopes fo...