Well the news is, there isn't any. Kind of a bummer, right? You aren't the only one!
I try not to be that person. You know the one I'm talking about? The one who emails the Foundation on a weekly basis because I MUST HAVE AN UPDATE. I waited what I think was a totally reasonable period (of about three weeks) before I emailed again.
Patty, the President of North Star, had told me a while back that we were waiting for a litter to be born. Chances are, one was for us. What happened was somewhat unexpected. There was another dog, who had been preliminarily placed with a family and it turned out to be a bad fit. The dog was a bit too alpha to work with children, and so he was sent back to the breeder.
The bad news for us is that that means they went to the top of the list and we moved down to number three. They expect to have two candidates from the next litter that are suitable, but the chances that there will be three are slim to none.
At this point, it is a wait and see process, and I promise to keep everyone posted!
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