
Today is a big day for me. One year ago, I kissed my babies goodbye at school, and went into surgery. I knew life would change, but I really didn't know what would happen.  It has been a big year, and I am sure glad it's over.  Read on for even more updates!

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A few weeks pre operation

We bought a Peloton.  I am so excited, but there is so much I don't know.  I am going to share the package we bought, what everyone says...
Working out at home has been challenging for me for a lot of reasons.  The major one is that I hate traditional workouts.  Going to the gy...
I was having coffee with a friend of mine the other day, and we were discussing the spectrum of green.  He was pretty confused, and I had t...
I have been using menstrual cups for almost three years.  I became curious about them when I was searching for an alternative to tampons.  ...
From the girl with no scale, here is my month two Intermittent Fasting update...and it really isn't that exciting-sadly.  I am using int...
Actually, it has been about seven months at this point since I had my prophylactic mastectomy.  The last surgery was in January for the reco...
Ok guys, I am sitting here on day 7 post op for my foobs, and doing great. I’m hesitant to even say that because this hasn’t been an easy j...
Yeah, yeah, I know it's a crazy title.  But both will be true!  I finally am at an end (hopefully) of this mastectomy journey.  I will f...
Whew!  It's almost over, but I can't really breathe yet.  Not until after Christmas.  Why?  All three of my kids have birthdays bet...